Vodka: (I know, it's Belarussian but it's still the best!)

ГУМ :: Главный Универсальный Магазин
Red Square, #3, metro Ploshchad Revolutsii.
Like Harrods! Almost empty when we were there, but this was two days after Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger's visit. There is a GREAT place to eat, a mockup of a soviet style canteen in GUM: Столовая №57

So these beautifully packaged chocolates cost a bit less than 200 dollars a box ... !

The most amazing food store is on the main boulevard of Moscow - the Ulitsa Tverskaya. You can buy your normal groceries in addition to all the yummy favourites you read about in the inflight magazine!
Yeliseyevsky Gastronom, Ulitsa Tverskaya Dom 14 Moscow

We walked past the McDonalds but not in. :O) We settled for a clubhouse sandwich and ceasar salad at our hotel instead. At the bottom right of the picture above is an FSB Mercedes - a regular sight parked on Moscow sidewalks.