Why do they call these little snacks on airlines ´light refreshments´? Because I mean there isn´t the least little thing about them that refreshes you. On the contrary. You feel more bloated and thirsty and uncomfortable than before you consumed them. Have you ever felt refreshed after downing the little bag of peanuts and a coke trapped in your seat between the fat man and the smoker with as much leg room as you have in the toilet? You wouldn´t pay for a seat in the toilet for forty minutes now would you? As a matter of fact I think there was more leg room in the toilet. Perhaps it would be better just booking the men´s room. At least you wouldn´t need to get up when you need to pee, smashing your shins on the briefcases disguised as carry on that they`ve snuck down out of the overheads now that the flight´s airbourne and the stews don´t care.
The flight behind us, even after 17 years in Germany I find Berlin to be the unchallenged center of great food and service in Germany - and it's still beautiful but you have to see it before it's competely built upon so hurry. Now off to the Hachescher Höfe for lunch!
How scarily true! I hate those "snacks". But then again, even if it is proper food (what they refer to proper) it still isnt' great. And there is no way that I'll be convinced that the difference between the RyanAir flights and the normal flights in terms of price is due to the "light snacks"