I love the movie Sideways - and I love wine. Virginia Madsen (Maya) has the best line in this movie and I agree with her 100% ... you open a bottle of wine and you wonder what was the weather like on the day it was bottled, who bottled it, what are all those stories you are unleashing when you uncork that bottle - and once uncorked, its done. you can't go back. the anticipation is like the first time you sleep with someone ... forget food porn - wine erotica is even better. it is a physical tingling .... Virgina Madseon always has great lines - Gotham (1988) she plays Rachel, a ghost who haunts her husband, and meets the man who is hired to track her down (Tommy Lee Jones). They meet on a darkened street and she says ... you ask the girl for her number but you won't call - becasue it's not about that - it's about how she looked when you saw her, how she made you feel - and you had the best of her - the very best of her. And wine is the same way.
I'm looking back over my cellar notes - yes, hubby bought me a cellar book in the 90's when we were both so into wine - we were buying 12 bottles a month to lay down. Before we moved we had .. 176 bottles in the cellar according to my records. :o) Now we have 2 cases and we're drinking them up before our next big move. Every time I get a bottle it's a horrible experience. I know that once it is open it will be gone for ever. It's almost like I'm killing the poor darlings. They have been with me for over a decade now ... like favourite pets.
Last weekend we opened a 98 Pessac Leognan which was brilliant the second day. The first day the nose was full of tobacco and raspberries but the mouth was nothing to get excited about, but the second day it had settled down and the initial nose was gentler but the taste fuller. and now, it is gone. :o(
some of my favourite lost friends?
fitou '99 "very berry then dryyyyyyyyyyyy..."
corbiere '97 "speechless"
los vascos '98 " very disappointing after the '86! why did we buy a case?"
bailey's block shiraz '97 "like a mouth full of curant jam ..."
equisheim muscat '98 "what a souvenir! goosberries and honey"
tocornal cab sauv '86 and a BC okanagan ehrenfelser '87 both of which we were drinking almost daily ... oh my ...
I love wine. I miss many of them dearly. They bring you back, not only to the possibilities of what you will encounter when the cork is removed and the wine hits your lips, but it seals the memories of those moments - like you are corking them back inside yourself. Blackberry Wine by Joanne Harris -- READ IT!
:o) poka katrin
I enjoyed this post and your passion/love for wine. I very much enjoy wine too, though I'm not comfortable writing about it, yet. =)
ReplyDeleteI think I need my own copy of Sideways...love that movie.
thanks! :o) passion is always a difficult topic! gets easier when you turn 50.